Child's Christmas

The Child's Christmas

with text by Evelyn Sharp, pictured by Charles Robinson

Published by Blackie and Son Limited, London, Glasgow, Dublin, Bombay in 1906.

This extraordinary book is a typical gift book from the Golden Age of illustration. If you possess an original leather-bound (with golden letters) first edition in good condition, it's worth several thousand dollars.

It's a book about everything related to Christmas, which can be seen right at the contents: Christmas Eve, Santa Claus, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, Christmas Week, The Christmas Party, The Pantomime, The New Year.

It's abundantly illustrated by Charles Robinson who was at the top of his creative powers. There are color illustrations (about a dozen) and several hundred (!) line drawings.

We'll try to present as much as possible but don't expect everything. With such a volume a compromise is a must. Anyway, the book is accessible as a reprint in several pocket-friendly (-er) versions and, of course, you can always borrow it from a library.

Contents are divided into eight sections. Each one of them has several chapters (more than one hundred) The titles of the chapters already tell a lot about Christmas and everything related to it. Here they are:

Waiting for Christmas

Expectation is a very important part of every major event. Children, with their unique perception of time, experience Christmas very intensely.

Christmas Eve

Putting Up Decorations

Searching for old decoration balls, creating new stuff, and spending quality time...

Buying Presents

There is no Christmas without presents. Again, you can buy them, or you can make your own creations. Every thought counts.

The Carol Singers

A group of singers going from door to door, making their neighbors, relatives, friends, or complete strangers smile - priceless.

Addressing the Cards

Christmas wishes are best given in person yet that's not always possible. Christmas cards come in handy in this case. You can buy them, make them, or deliver them through the mail, or in person. It's another opportunity to spend some time with old friends and possibly make new ones.

At the Post Office

Going to the post can be quite an adventure.

The Carrier

So many cards and so pushed for time. Delivering the cards is a demanding job!

The Yule Log

Another important part of the tradition is a yule log in the house.

Packing Hampers

Packing hampers and bringing them to poor people is a nice gesture. The giver and the receiver both feel better after that!

The Christmas Guests

Visits are (almost) always welcome. Especially at Christmas time.

Hanging Up the Stockings

Hanging Up the Stockings
We all like to get gifts. Hanged stockings are the place to put them.

The Great Secret

When you buy somebody a present, you don't tell what's in the box. It shall stay a secret until it's opened.

Baby's Stocking

Even the baby hangs a stocking. Why not? It's a very small stocking.

The Waits
The Waits
Going to sleep with all the thrills of expectations is probably the hardest part.

Santa Claus

Santa Claus at Home

There are many legends about Santa's home but nobody knows for sure where he lives.

Loading Up

We know how much work is with one present. Now, imagine how to deal with millions of them!

On the Way

Delivering all the presents in just one night is a unique challenge. Without magic, it is not possible.

In the Night Nursery

Each present is carefully placed in the right place. Pssst!

The Baby's Letter

Santa is not just delivering. He reads every message to him.

Back to the Mountains

It must be a great feeling after a full night of fulfilling the wishes of millions!

Christmas Day

Christmas Day

Christmas morning is finally here. Let's get out of bed and find out about the presents!

What Santa Claus Brought

The presents are here. The boxes are waiting to be opened.

The Boy's Presents

All kinds of toys for boys are ready to play with.

Singing a Carol at Mother's Door

Waking Father and Mother

Pa! Mom! Wake up! Look what we have got!

Presents for the Kitchen

Everybody in the kitchen gets a present  - from the cook to the garden boy.

The Christmas Post

It's time to open the received Christmas cards.

Going to Church

Christmas is a celebration of Christ's birth. It's time to go to the church.

In Church

Everybody smiles. There are prayers and songs and a lot of positive energy.

Walking Home

Some are walking, some are running, and some are rolling in the snow.

Getting Ready for Dinner

Before dinner, we have to wash our hands and prepare napkins.

The Christmas Dinner

Christmas dinner lasts longer than the usual one. It's not just a dinner. It's an experience.
Bringing in the Plum Pudding
Grandpapa' Speach

Grandpapa gives the same speech every Christmas Day. Everybody liked it the first time and they still like it.

The Mince Pies

The speech gave everybody an appetite for the mince pie.

The Dog's Dinner

The dog deserves a good dinner too.

The Cat's Dinner

Don't forget the cat.

The Robin's Christmas dinner

Birds celebrate Christmas just like everybody else.

Grandpapa's Young Days

Grandpapa is not tired after his traditional speech. He still has enough energy to share some memories from his youth.

The Dessert

Everybody wanders what is for dessert. But the best part is not the dessert itself. It's time after the dessert. The time when you can start playing.

Grandpapa's Song

Grandapap's song is another part of the yearly tradition. Everybody likes to hear it.

After Dessert

Who is already ready for sleep and who wants some action?

Fairy Tales

Fairy tales are told every Christmas. They are the best when they are listened to at the fire.

Roasting Chestnuts

After the fairy tales (yes, there was another happy ending), when the fire is already on, some chestnuts can be roasted. You don't have to be hungry for them.

Lighting the Candles

Everybody is ready for the blindman's-buff. Before that, candles have to be lit. This is father's work but everybody wants to help.

The Snapdragon

Snapdragon is not a real dragon. It's a dish made of lighted plums. Everybody likes to eat them, yet it's pretty hard to touch them. They are very hot.

Grandpapa's Game

When you are standing under the mistletoe, it's time for a very special game. Grandmama says he is a naughty boy.

Hunt the Slipper

One of the participants is the cobbler. The cobbler gives a shoe and others try to hide it. Large shoes are hard to hide. Small shoes are hard to find.


Charades are much more interesting if you dress up. A whole family has to participate so everybody contributes to his abilities.

Honey Pots

Baby loves to be a honeypot. He wants to be a honeypot forever, but his mother prefers him as a baby.

Grandmamma's Song

After so many games, grandmamma's song gives everybody a breather.

Grandmamma's Story

When the song is over, children ask for the story. It's a story about a young bride who plays hide-and-seek so well she is never found.


Of course, now everybody wants to play hide-and-seek. Baby hid in the chest. He is not happy when he is found.

Under the Mistletoe

Kissing Baby Under the Mistletoe

Baby knows what means to be standing under the mistletoe. He stands there for a reason.

Christmas Recitations

This time the children do all the job and the grown-ups just listen. Well, if some words are forgotten, they are allowed to help a bit.

The Pianoforte Pieces

Everybody who knows how to play the piano plays a tune.

The Duet

Playing the piano with somebody else is a very special treat.

The End of Baby's Christmas

Baby is the first one ready to sleep. He doesn't want to go to bed but he is too sleepy to seriously resist. His Christmas is over.

The Last Dance of the Day

The dance is called Sir Roger. It's a line dance in pairs when everybody goes under the arch.

The End of the Day

All things end and good ones are no exception. It's time to go to sleep.

Boxing Day

Boxing Day

This day is reserved for giving people Christmas boxes. You can give them some money as well.

The Village Band

Every village has a square and this is the place where the band plays on every Boxing Day.

The Butcher's Christmas Box

Children give the butcher his Christmas box, too. Well, some money, really.

The Carrier's Christmas Box

Guess what? The carrier gets one, as well.

The Bell-Ringers

Where we would be without the bell-ringers? They tell everybody about Christmas, so they also reserve Christmas boxes.

Baby's Christmas Box

Baby wants a Christmas box and Grandpapa is ready to give it to him. It's a real boy, full of small chocolates. Everybody gets some.

Grandmamma's Memory

Grandmamm remembers a lot of Boxing Days. She is not sure how many. Probably still less than a hundred.

The End of Boxing Day

Everybody is sleepy after tea on Boxing Day. They don't want to go to bed yet but they know it's the smartest thing to do.

Christmas Week

Christmas Week

There is a funny man in the garden. He is all white, covered with snow. Actually, he is made of snow. He is inviting everybody for some snow-related games.

The Snow-Ball Fight

It's boys against girls. Grandpapa is the general. Cousin Sylvia leads the counterattack.

The Sleigh

A wheelbarrow can be used as many different toys. Christmas time is perfect to transfer it into a sleigh.


There is a slide across the pond, perfect for sliding. Some slide, others fall. Everybody is having fun.


Everybody has a preferred style for sliding. Grandpapa's way is to watch and spin his memories.

The Toboggan

If you slide down the hill, it's a different kind of fun than sliding across the pond. It's faster and a bit dangerous.

The Christmas Party

The Invitation

One of the girls got a letter. It's an invitation to a Christmas party next Saturday. Everybody is invited.

Dressing for the Party

It's a lot of work when you are preparing for the party. It's hard work but it has to be done.

The Christmas Tree

The Christmas Tree

Christmas trees don't grow like other trees. They come from the Fairy Land.

The Bran Pie

Bran pie is not a real pie. It has no crust. It's a bran filled with little presents. Everything is up for grabs but you don't know what you will get.

Poor Jenny

This is another old game where one of the kids in the role of Poor Jenny has to stand among others who dance around. Poor Jenny is replaced only after somebody kisses her.

Oranges and Lemons

One of the children becomes an orange and the other a lemon. Others have to join one or the other.

The Mulberry-Bush

It's a dancing game. Kids dance around the Christmas Tree.

Grown-Up Dancing

This kind of dance is much more exciting than kids' dances. Boys have to ask girls and girls can't dance with other girls.

The Crackers

At Betty's party, everybody gets a silly present.


In this game, you are given a silly task and you have to make the best of the situation.

Spinning the Trencher

A trancher is a large plate made of wood. Now you know. Start spinning!

Going Home

Every party ends. This makes you sad. Yet it gives you a chance to plan the next party.

The Pantomime

The Pantomime

Everybody is hardly waiting for the pantomime. It's the first one for Baby. The show is titled Cinderella.

The Demons

The pantomime always starts with demons. Nobody knows why.

The Fairies

The fairies brought a piece of Fairyland to the audience.

The Funny Man

A strange-looking man in a woman's dress plays Cinderella's stepmother.

Between the Acts

Actors need some rest and the audience needs some as well.

The Pantaloon

Pantaloon is a clown. Yet he looks very much like Grandpa.

The Harlequin

Now that's a funny-dressed character. He has a stick and he uses it to beat others. Nobody can see him. Except for the audience, of course.

The Columbine

Columbine is a ballerina. She is walking on her toes.

After the Pantomime

When the show is over everybody has a plan to become somebody when they grow up.

The New Year

The New Year

The old year is over and the new year is just beginning.

Auld Lang Syne

This is an old song people always sing on the first day of the new year.

Father Time

Father Time sits in the clouds and takes care of time, clocks, the sun, the moon, and related stuff. He is very old and he never sleeps.

Twelve O'Clock

Everybody is listening when the clock strikes twelve. This is the last moment of the old year and the first of the new one.

The End of the Old Year

Maybe this is the right time to think if we used the passing year to our best abilities. Maybe we can do even better in the new year?

New Year's Morning

Everybody is a year older now.

The New Calendar

It's a special honor to put up the new calendar.

New Year Resolutions

New Year's Day is a perfect opportunity to make a good resolution or two. Well, it's always good to have a plan.

Twelfth Night

Twelfth-cake is the star of the evening. It has a bean inside. Whoever gets the bean becomes a king or a queen for the rest of the evening.

The Thaw

If you look carefully you'll see the snow fairies in the garden. Otherwise, it's just a thaw.


All good things end. This is why we can't get tired of them.

This book is finished, too, but you can always visit more works by Charles Robinson or read more stories of Christmas.

Share the joy with your friends!


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